Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 6:06am Could you please tell me what you are taking--I recently stopped taking Paxil and am experiencing dizziness, nausea, and slight electrical shocks in my head. From the message it appears you are now taking something other than an anti-depressant?? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated to me. Bob Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 5:12am Response: Hi Bob, i believe what they are talking about is Inositol, it is a vitamin. What you are experiencing is normal from paxil, don't let the doctors talk you into taking anything else. You don't want to get stuck in the DRUG cycle. Some don't ever make out. I hope you find a lot of answers here, take care, Cynthia Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 6:30am Thanks and no I am not going back on Paxil, or any other type of drug, I just need to get through this withdrawal. When my doctor first recommended Paxil she told me there would not be a problem getting off, of course she also told there would be no weight gain, one year later and 30# should have been the first clue that all was not as she had predicted. I am open to any and all suggestions. This week has been an extremely uncomfortable one. I could tolerate the nausea but the dizziness is kicking my behind. I went onto the net on Friday because I do not want to go back on Paxil and needed to find out that what I was experiencing was normal. Should have done this before I consented to Paxil, but thought my doctor knew best. NOT!!! Bob Date: Mon Feb 26, 2001 5:37am Response: There're probably not very many things on the face of the planet that we have NOT tried in order to survive the hell of Paxil withdrawal. Xanax, Kava, Valerian, Inositol, B-vitamins, CalMagZinc, Chamomile, etc etc -- there isn't JUST one thing that works. You have to experiment and see what's right for you. Even three years after taking PAxil, I still had this low-grade anxiety and Inositol got rid of it, but I am going to look into what Patrick is taking because I'm just taking straight Inositol 2000 mgs a day. No doubt about it, getting off this drug is a nightmare. Good look and hang in there. Trisha